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home > Signs of Breast Cancer

Signs of Breast Cancer are below.  Alternative Medicine offers herbal cures including ellagic acid, essiac, and graviola, and electromedicine therapies including Rife, Beck, and Lakhovsky.  Cancer is the result of symbiotic organisms that become parasites when the diet becomes too acidic.  Prevent cancer with an alkaline pH diet.


Modern medicine does not offer cancer prevention.  Lumps and tumors may not be visible until damage has been done.  Once you know the cause of cancer as explained by Alternative Medicine, you can prevent it by monitoring urine pH and regulating your diet.  It's as easy as that.

Breast cancer is a malignant growth that begins in the breast.  Breast cancer is a leading cause of death in women from the age of 40 to 55.  Less than 1% of men get breast cancer.

Signs of Breast Cancer

When breast cancer first occurs, there may be no signs at all.  Signs are common to a number of other unrelated and non-serious conditions apart from breast cancer.

Symptoms include:

A change in the size or shape of the breast

A lump or thickening in or near the breast or underarm area. However, 8 out of 10 breast lumps are not cancerous.

A fluid or pus discharge from the nipple, usually bloody or clear to yellow or green

The feel of the skin of the breast, areola, or nipple may become scaly, red, puckered, dimpled, inverted, may develop a rash, or the color may change

The nipple may become burning or itchy

Veins on the surface of the skin may be more prominent on one breast

There may be bone pain

Persistent pain or tenderness in the breast or underarm area

Swelling of one arm

Weight loss

Skin ulceration.

If you have these signs, it may be a better approach to treat the cause of cancer rather than the symptoms.  If you learn the cause, you will be able to take steps to prevent it's recurrence.  Be sure to click the following:

Related links

Breast Cancer Treatment

Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Metastatic Breast Cancer

Stages of Cancer

Types of Breast Cancer

Choose Your Cancer Cure

Prevention and Cause of Cancer


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